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# HumHub 1.7.3 We are very pleased to announce the latest maintenance release of HumHub 1.7. \ \ The HumHub 1.7.3 changelog: * Fix [#4792]( Guest access to user profile home page * Fix [#4794]( CountrySelect profile field broken * Fix [#4793]( Form labels (HForm) are not displayed correctly * Fix [#4569]( Prevent double module registration * Fix [#4389]( Require to check a checkbox if the profile field is required * Fix [#4281]( Update space chooser after following a space * Fix [#2950]( Close modal window on click link with url in href * Fix [#3687]( Disable profile field type for existing record * Fix [#4819]( Fixed some PHP8 issues. (Updated to Yii 2.0.40 / Imagine 1.0+) * Fix [#4825]( Ensure unique setting values (Added unique table index) * Fix [#4895]( Fix js warning of not loaded module space.chooser * Fix [#4921]( Fix ambiguous column status * Fix [#4923]( Replace denied characters with underscore in uploaded file names